Artikelen over: API

How to fetch invoices for import into accountancy software?

There are 2 types of invoices:

- Purchase Invoices
- Sales Invoices

These different invoice types are exposed as a separate collection in API v2.

Each type of invoice consists of 2 subtypes: INVOICE or CREDIT_NOTE.

For sales invoices, it's often preferred to include the 'adjustedLineItems' instead of the 'lineItems'. The adjusted lineItems are already adjusted for financial discount, credit limit and line discount.

In this example, paging query parameters are not included.

Fetching sales invoices for first quarter of 2021,adjustedLineItems.generalLedgerAccount,adjustedLineItems.vatTariff

Fetching sales credit notes for first quarter of 2021,adjustedLineItems.generalLedgerAccount,adjustedLineItems.vatTariff

Fetching purchase invoices for first quarter of 2021,lineItems.generalLedgerAccount,lineItems.vatTariff

Fetching purchase credit notes for first quarter of 2021,lineItems.generalLedgerAccount,lineItems.vatTariff

Bijgewerkt op: 14/01/2021

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