Creating a client/lead from a website form
Creating a client from a website form
Some clients have a website with a contact form. Sometimes it may be convenient to have this integrated with the Robaws API.
As you may know, Robaws has the possiblity to add custom fields to most of its entities. This feature is called 'extra fields' and is also called like this in the API.
Let's consider you defined two extra fields on the client module in Robaws:

Now, if you want to create a client and also populate the extra field, you should perform the following API request:
"name": "John Doe",
"extraFields": {
"Contact via": {
"stringValue": "Social media"
Whether you should use 'stringValue' or a different property, depends on the type of extra fields. Here are the most common types listed with their corresponding API property:
Tekst/Text: stringValue
Tekstvak/Textarea: stringValue
Datum/Date: dateValue (ex 2020-12-17)
Decimaal getal/Decimal number: decimalValue
Geheel getal/Integer: integerValue
Keuzelijst/Combobox: stringValue
Selectievakje/Checkbox: booleanValue
Link: stringValue
Bijgewerkt op: 17/12/2020